Fien De Raedemaecker and Matthias Sandra presenting AQUA-LIT results to the AAC
Fien De Raedemaecker and Matthias Sandra from VLIZ, one of the seven AQUA-LIT partners, have been invited to the Aquaculture Advisory Council (AAC) General Assembly to present and discuss the first AQUA-LIT project results. These results, gathered during the first months of the project, show an overview of the current aquaculture practices present in the different European sea basins, list marine aquaculture litter items and quantities found on European beaches and seas and highlight the existing national, regional, European and global approaches and policy measures that tackle marine littering from aquaculture.
Useful feedbacks were received from the audience that will definitely help in shaping the best strategy to collaborate with the aquaculture sector to prevent and fight marine litter.
Participants were encouraged to participate to the upcoming AQUA-LIT Learning Labs, interactive workshops that will bring together diverse aquaculture stakeholders to discuss about possible solutions to prevent and mitigate marine littering coming from the aquaculture sector.
The Aquaculture Advisory Council (AAC) is a stakeholder-led European representative organisation that provides the European Commission and EU countries with recommendations on aquaculture management. The AAC presently has 57 members from 16 Member states and provides advice on any legislative, regulatory or legal matter at European or national level related to the sustainable development of EU aquaculture.
AQUA-LIT participated already to an AAC meeting held last 6th of June in Brussels, where the AAC invited several experts to learn and debate on wetlands, data collection, marine spatial planning, seaweed and marine litter for which AQUA-LIT was responsible.
AQUA-LIT results at the AAC General Assembly