Legislation measures

Add monitoring marine litter as criteria in all the Environmental Surveillance Plans related to any kind of aquaculture activity.

Regulations Regulations

Photo: Vagelis Spyrakos Photo: Vagelis Spyrakos

One of the most important sections of the Spanish environmental evaluations are the Environmental Surveillance Plans (PVA due to the Spanish abbreviation). PVA are designed in the EIAS phase and they are applied when the production starts and while the facility is operating, allowing to correct the gaps in future EIAS and to make more accurate predictions. There is no national official guidelines regarding the aquaculture PVA, apart from the proposed methodology specific for offshore finfish farms, as they are regulated by each autonomous community. Nevertheless, the proposed solution was suggested for any kind of aquaculture type.

Relevant type of aquaculture:

Fish Shellfish Seaweed

Relevant sea basin:


Relevant stage:

Monitoring and quantification