International and Spanish removal, recycling and upcycling initiatives related to marine litter.
Although these initiatives are not strictly linked to aquaculture, they can be considered a first step for the
sensibilization of the fishery and aquaculture sectors and, besides, they can open up new opportunities and
possibilities regarding any recycling initiative related to both sectors. The big majority of them are related to
schemes like ‘fishing for litter’ and linked to recycling & upcycling initiatives, while a few are strictly
related to fishery gear like the following ones: 1. In October 2019, first tests to
recycle and upcycle the fisheries nets to produce sport clothing were conducted in the frame of a collaboration among
AIMPLAS, research institutions, fishery cooperatives, Asociación Vertidos Cero and textile and clothing
companies. 2. Projecte Xarxes: Catalonian initiative that involves 14 Catalonian
ports. Once nets have reached the end-of-life, they are brought and left in specific collection points located in the
port facilities, and the recycling company collects them and brings them to their own facilities, select the plastic
fractions that are in good status and that can also be recycled and, afterwards, they send those pieces to another
company located in Euskadi that transform them to plastic scales, which can be used to produce multiple types of plastic
products like glasses or phone cases. 3. Bluenet: this project involves 3 fishing ports of
the Basque Country, accounting for 24 fishing vessels. Recovered nets, nets that have reached the end of life and
aquaculture ropes are being recycled and upcycled to produce aquaculture ropes for mussel production.
4. Sponsored volunteering activities to pick fishing gear, like the initiative supported
by GLOBALG.A.P. in 2019 in Almería (Spain). During two days, more than 15 fishing traps, around 400 meters of
ropes and fishing lines, 33 fishing weights and some fish hooks and baits were collected, with the aim to increase the
awareness related to marine litter.