Knowledge Measures
Marine debris management
To assess the success rate of DSR, monitoring systems have to be installed.
Establish management practices and train the staff in good procedures about how to handle, fix and assembly all types of
gear in order to reduce the quantity of elements that are frequently lost. Trainings could be done in collaboration with
technicians from the gear production companies.
Gather information of any aquaculture gear on the market demand and the potential for being reused and/or
recycled/upcycled, under the circular economy approach
Consider the ideas, expectations and interests of the aquaculture gear manufacturers and importers regarding the EPR
system, as they will be responsible for the waste management.
The level of implication of the aquaculture farmers, the necessities to create a functional EPR scheme and the market
value of the recycled products should be analysed and defined previously to setting up the EPR scheme.
The knowledge gathered through the tracking systems can be useful for the implementation of EPR schemes as well.
Offshore workers need to know if their efforts regarding collecting and sorting waste are needed or useful. There is a
need to work together and communicate. There is also a need for a code of conduct and common sense.