Support Measures

Support for monitoring Support for monitoring

Timely and efficient communication on new offshore installations to all seafarers is very important to avoid destruction of aquaculture installations by ships sailing in restricted aquaculture zones. Incidents at sea involving accidental losses of aquaculture gear and infrastructure should be reported to the coastguard and the managing authority responsible for approving the aquaculture farm. The licensing authority may discuss with the aquaculture farmer possible solutions for specific cases or the licensing authority may request the aquaculture farmer to come up with a solution within a set deadline. This procedure should be included in the aquaculture permit. By enforcing an incentive, people can be motivated to bring the found items to the central European body which collects waste or directly to the owner. An international registration and funding system could be set up to report the waste found at a European level. An easy access online platform should give people information on the collected items (i.e. QR-code, number, etc.). Collaborations between companies could facilitate the monitoring and managing of the general waste and lost items. This can be collaboration between small and/or large aquaculture companies, as well as with other offshore sectors. Through collaborations between companies, monitoring costs can be shared and a feasible monitoring schedule or program can be set up for offshore facilities. Smaller companies can pay a fee to the larger companies to monitor the whole area (area agreements). Trackers in/on equipment and gear is a good solution, not only for monitoring aquaculture installations but also for preventing material to get lost and facilitate the removal of lost items at sea.